Sunday, January 9, 2011

about love:Whose responsibility?

This is not a new subject and if anything it is something we hear or talk about everyday.One of the questions the world is still asking is, what is love?,... but now they actually do not want to know the meaning of love, but how to recognize love when they see it......remember the famous black eyed peas song "where is the love?",
Love is a pretty simple thing that has been made complicated and in my opinion,misunderstood too.Not that i am an authority on this subject(nothing can be further from the truth) No.The times i have tried to engage in love(or my understanding of it)the human way, i have discovered that my understanding would not suffice.
I too, therefore, ask the same question?where is the Love,why have we let selfishness cloud our judgment and kind heartedness,why have we become so self centered that we cannot pause to give a thought to people out there who need some love?i hear you say its not my responsibility let someone else do it.Well everyone else is saying that out there and slowly our societies are dying,we are loosing potential people to drugs,aids and substance abuse,domestic violence,abortions,extreme poverty,ritual and senseless killings.Materialism has replaced love and now people can go to any extent to become rich, trample on anyone, do absolutely anything(the examples are all around us).This ain't love, something is wrong and has been wrong for years.
I still hear you say, its not my problem i have done nothing to cause all these and i agree that you have done nothing to cause it, but surely the fact that it is still here in our neighborhoods simply means we are not doing anything to stop it
Is there anything you or i can do?i believe there is,we can start in a small way, one person at a time.But there are so many people,what difference will it make, you wonder?let me tell you, for that one person that you show some love, it will make all the difference.......question is will you and i own up to that responsibility?...
see you on the other side...blessings


  1. Though I would like to say a lot but for now, I'll say, Evil Prevails Coz Good Doesnt Act!
