Friday, December 21, 2012

been learning, still learning!

I have grown to love myself more, accept where i am and plan for my future as i trust God. Every single day that wakes, i try and achieve something,even if small. Sometimes, things do not turn out the way i expected or planned; sometimes i mess up big time and sometimes, they turn out better than expected.As a consequence, I have learnt two important things; that forgiveness and encouragement are needed for me, just as other people need it from me; that i must learn to forgive myself and encourage myself on particular bad days or huge mess days! I have learnt that God is not a School Master waiting for me to mess up so that He can punish me. I have learnt that not everyone means bad for me and that nothing in this life will ever be handed to me, i must get my hands dirty digging the "soil" in my toil. i have learnt that , not learning a lesson from my mistakes and messes is the first chapter of the book of failure. i have learnt that GOD Cares and exists, even if it does not feel like so and that the way He gives me many chances, i must learn to give my fellow Human beings a lot of chances.I have learnt never to say Never;that the worst answer anybody can ever give me for asking, is a NO, but i would never know that unless i ask. I have learnt that if responsibilities cannot teach me good spending methods, nothing can. I am still learning, i am a better version of my yesterday's version, today,and tomorrow, i must strive to be better...... AL MO(Reflections)

does she exist now?

I ask.. Where is the good old girl who used to draw maps on the soil and pluck leaves as i spoke of the emotions of heart...she pleased my ego and would not mind a repeat... Where is the girl who used to apply soap after bathing instead of the make up ... who applied avocado and eggs on the hair instead of the wigs, i need to see a girl in her natural self..did you see her? Where is that girl who to despise flowers and instead wanted a Kilo of delicious Goat meat so that she would cook and enjoy the dinner with you? Please do not tell her i want to cook her dinner tonight, it is meant to be a surprise.. Where is she, the natural angel who instead of bottles of beer and wine, wanted me to buy uji mix for her to cook me uji at home as we chatted and chased each other in the house... i need her sanity today Where is that girl who pleaded with me to leave the chocolate in the shelf of the supermarket and instead offered me her self and demanded that we be the chocolate for each other? Where is that girl who told me to look for a cheaper house so that i save my money for our future wealth, i want to show her that the dream has come true? Where is that girl, who believed disagreements are not necessarily disputes, but ways of communication? i need to disagree with her just once more because after the solution she knew how to make it all good. Where is that girl, who instead of complaining that the toilet seat has been left up again, would simply put the lid down and softly remind me i forgot again but she has brought it down, i need to brag to her i have finally learnt how to put it down? Where is that girl who believed in getting a letter from me every week to read of the inner me, instead of emails? Tell her i got the best letter and i wish to hand it over to her? Where is she, who was intelligent, playful and believed in culture at the same time? i need to take her to a trip in the Mara... She knew about modernity, but kept the seduction in the past, it was her way of connecting yesterday to today, where is she i miss that girl whom i am told could still call her husband my lord, as Sarah did to Abraham...i need to make her her Highness the King in my Kingdom... She is the girl when you woke up to in the morning, the hot water was in the bathroom, the clothes were pressed and the Morning Glory was still there for you...that girl is one i need to meet today.. She was the girl who you read a storybook together before sleeping, said a prayer for the day and then took you home to the palace of passion...i need to see her just once more... She held the panga and went to the shamba, she knows how to harvest coffee, plant bananas and much more, she needs to see the garden of passion fruits i have planted for her for they are now ripe Yesterday, if you are listening to me, please bring that girl you seem to have hidden or i will train an army to invade the records of Yesterday and that is not a threat...You only have TODAY to deliver that girl, for i want to hold her hand tonight. Are you that girl, click reply...Have you seen her add a note, do you think i will never see her tell me why...i am waiting for that song she used to sing... " ..i will not promise you the sunshine everyday, there will be some rain sometimes...." Mmmh i want to listen to her sing as she fall to my waiting least am not holding my breath i know she may never come...I was just asking Have you seen her? I want her to know, she is better than this people in their seductive jeans, but boring natural attraction, with artificial beauty, but little home intelligence..she ranks higher, though she appears to belong to yesterday...Nyar Seme, where are you?

are they human?respect that in them

it is amazing how each human being you meet has the "it" factor that just makes them them, sometimes pretty annoying traits by the way(a wise person once told me, the bad thing you notice about people moist probably is the bad trait you have; this is so true by the way all i am saying i guess is that everyone is so important,looks,status in society, job or profession, age, are secondary factors. respect people, just coz they are human beings....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Driving!PSVs' special driving schools?

Perhaps one of the most important unwritten rules one must never forget once out of a driving school maybe, "give way to Big vehicles...." this rule would never make sense to you if you are as tough headed as i am, until you meet the daredevil drivers in Tamil Nadu or Kerala(these are states in the southern part of India)
there are some that have been billed as "point to point"(if you've ever traveled between Salem and Erode then you know what am saying)These are passenger buses that would make the matatus(the PSV's in Kenya) back home cringe in shame.They play loud music,are DVD coaches(they show these in the bus possibly so that passengers don't realize how fast the bus actually is)and are driven so fast, they are actually Kings of the road,all they need to do is hoot and flash their lights and if you are wise, you will leave the road and give them right of way.Mind you, the roads are narrow and in Kerala its actually going up the mountain which means blind corners too and the drivers will keep at it without reducing the speed.
Its a little wonder therefore that all big vehicles here have that sign at the back "sound horn Ok". All you need is a working horn system and working brakes and a willingness to overlook the fault of the other driver, especially if he is driving on the wrong side(your Side)of the road, otherwise, you will suffer.
Thought this was a South Indian phenomenon till i went up north and Voila!meet the blueline buses, the so called Haryana Roadways...they have been billed "Mango shake"because they shake you up so bad but they get you where you headed, safely or unsafely,nevertheless.
Amazingly, these guys behave the same way which brings me to the question?is there a driving school specially meant for public service vehicles?because in all the countries i have gone to(they are not many), these guys behave in the same reckless manner, drive at high speeds,flaunt rules and have no regard for other road users.they are solely responsible for the many deaths due to Road carnage and it is a universal thing.
Next time you pass by a driving school, don't leave without those special instructions lest you be rudely reminded that the road does have its owners and it sure is not careful now....
see you on the other side....

about love:Whose responsibility?

This is not a new subject and if anything it is something we hear or talk about everyday.One of the questions the world is still asking is, what is love?,... but now they actually do not want to know the meaning of love, but how to recognize love when they see it......remember the famous black eyed peas song "where is the love?",
Love is a pretty simple thing that has been made complicated and in my opinion,misunderstood too.Not that i am an authority on this subject(nothing can be further from the truth) No.The times i have tried to engage in love(or my understanding of it)the human way, i have discovered that my understanding would not suffice.
I too, therefore, ask the same question?where is the Love,why have we let selfishness cloud our judgment and kind heartedness,why have we become so self centered that we cannot pause to give a thought to people out there who need some love?i hear you say its not my responsibility let someone else do it.Well everyone else is saying that out there and slowly our societies are dying,we are loosing potential people to drugs,aids and substance abuse,domestic violence,abortions,extreme poverty,ritual and senseless killings.Materialism has replaced love and now people can go to any extent to become rich, trample on anyone, do absolutely anything(the examples are all around us).This ain't love, something is wrong and has been wrong for years.
I still hear you say, its not my problem i have done nothing to cause all these and i agree that you have done nothing to cause it, but surely the fact that it is still here in our neighborhoods simply means we are not doing anything to stop it
Is there anything you or i can do?i believe there is,we can start in a small way, one person at a time.But there are so many people,what difference will it make, you wonder?let me tell you, for that one person that you show some love, it will make all the difference.......question is will you and i own up to that responsibility?...
see you on the other side...blessings

Friday, August 13, 2010


Staying away from home as good as it is, has some very adverse effects.For starters, death and life continues,and in my community, you are required to make an appearance at every funeral and if you did not make it then,when you finally appear, it is an unwritten must go and pay your last rites!even if it means standing at the burial ground and observing a minute's silence. it serves well to appease ' the gods' and the clan.
Secondly, there are those people you left as they have deep voices(males) and the girls that you left running naked around now are grown up women who greet you with a lot of feigned shyness you never imagined possible with them.
Thirdly, there are those that were either born or brought when you were away(don't forget to include animals here) that you have to get introduced to and accustomed to...!it is also so amazing how your memory can fail you(where names are concerned) just when you need to call someone by name, at least to show you were alaways thinking about them.Lastly,there is the always amazing aspect of you being "shown off" to the whole village..... you suddenly become 'our son' that went out to study and is now back
but somethings still remain the same, the cattle still follow the same path to the river to drink water,the boys still sit around or idle around discussing girls while old men still walk around greeting each other and'village politics'and women have refined their ways of simple village gossip.....all in all am glad to be home.
i love being African why lie.till next time...Blessings!